The Ez Squeeze Tube has a built-in dispenser that is permanently attached to the tube, making it the most convenient tube in the world.
Our Mission is Quite Simple
"Making Collapsible Tubes Convenient"
This website is here today because of a person that believes that consumers deserve a better and more convenient tube packaging Toothpaste Tubes are the #1 package that consumers buy. The next time you look down the toothpaste isle at a store, you will see that around 95% of toothpaste comes in tubes. This has been this way for many years. Consumers don't complain to manufactures about this problem, nor do they think about it because they are so used to it and they have had no choice in the matter. This website is here to inform all consumers that there is a convenient tube and you now have a choice. If toothpaste tubes are the #1 package that consumers are buying, then don't you want the best tube available that's more convenient? You are the customer and you deserve it! This is what I have believed for 15 years and if your interested in my story, please read on.
It all starts with the inventors story. You will enjoy reading the following story about an inventor who has been through many trials the past 15 years to try and make collapsible tubes convenient.
Inventors First Prototype Prescription bottle and clothes pin modified to roll-up a toothpaste tube.
The Inventors Story My name is Ray Liberatore an inventor and entrepreneur for over 20 years. In 1989, I said to myself, if I can come up with and idea that everyone can use everyday, I would be rich. I had no idea what I was getting into. I thought toothpaste tubes was that product because I thought there had to be a better way of getting toothpaste out of tubes. After looking in stores and around the house for things that I could use for a prototype, I finally found it. I took a prescription bottle and cut a slot in the side of it and put a clothes pin through the cap and the bottom of the prescription bottle. I was so excited when I was able to put the used part of the tube in the slot & clothes pin and be able to roll-up the used portion of the tube... More of the Inventors Story